Friday, July 29, 2005

now i know what they mean

Ok, it is Friday. It has been a busy week here at Wellshire Presbyterian.

Right now I want to DIE. You ask why is that Melody? WELL, let me tell you. This was my first week of working out and yesterday was the lower-body portion of our program. I want to die. I can hardly walk, let alone try to do anything that requires any major movement.

I know that the first week is the hardest, etc. etc. So, I am sticking in there. As I said to a dear friend yesterday. “Once I decide to do something, I pretty much get it done.” Actually, in that instance I was talking about becoming decaffeinated. YES, also another thing I decided to do this week.

Just I have been thinking a lot about my life and over the past few months, I will be honest, it has been rough. Many different factors that I shant discuss, however, this getting myself to a place where I want to be physically, is really giving me something to concentrate on. Which is a good thing.

Now I know what they mean...'No pain, no gain."

So, there you go. I had some decaf coffee this morning, hoping that psychologically that I would think it was regular coffee and wake up a bit more. he he he

Have a great weekend kids!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

change is good??

Well today is Tuesday! Only four more days til Friday. Ha ha

Last week I was doing some serious rethinking of life, etc. etc. Well, I have done some serious rethinking for my life as far as my physical state. I decided it was time for a change.

Some of you know this, but last Monday, my roommate and I went on the South Beach diet. So far it has been great.

With menu items such as salmon, lean steak & chicken. We have been quite creative. Actually, I should say my roommate is the creative one. Though yesterday I got my chance at dinner. We had broiled flank steak which I marinated over night in the Food Saver. If you don’t know what that is, it is the greatest invention to the food word. It sucks all the air out of everything.

So my steak was pretty good, IF I do say so myself. he he.

On top of that I started a work out routine last night. I have the most horrible trainer too, he is a bear. ha ha ok not really, actually my trainer really knows his stuff. I guess my main problem is I forget to breathe. ha ha Last night I said, they are going to find me passed out in here from the lack of oxygen. he he

So today I am slightly sore, but that is a good thing. Tonight is the cardio day of my routine. OH boy!

Actually, working out isn’t what I would call my favorite thing to do, but it is something I NEED to do. So I am going to do it. I just need to start doing it in the morning, once I figure out how long it is going to take.

Well…so there you go. So, change is good. This change is for the better and not only to look better, but to be healthier and to feel better. Because we all know I already look gooood.

I’ll keep y’all updated.

Monday, July 25, 2005

are your hobbies your life?

Hoe you all had a great weekend.

Yesterday I went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival. No, I didn’t dress up this year. Last year was enough dressing up for two years. (see picture)

It was actually a very pleasant day. Upper 80s/low 90s, it warm, but not this unbearable 102-105 we have been having.

So, when I go to events like this or go to conventions or what not. I am always amazed at the types of people that go to these events. Now, mind you, this isn’t a slam on anyone’s lifestyle or their hobbies. I mean after all, I enjoy going to these things as well.

The thing I am amazed at is how it is all some people have, that or they have totally evolved their life around that or the organization.

I ‘can’ relate to a degree. This past spring, with my vacation planned around a Star Wars event, then coming home and that next weekend going to a convention. Then, having the Star Wars charity premiere and then having another convention and then having the midnight premiere of the movie itself. *WHEW*

So, from April 20, 2005 to now it has been well a whirlwind in the Star Wars world for me. Thank goodness on August 1, I will no longer be the co-cr. he he

The point of all that is, I do understand how some people can be ‘deeply’ involved in a group or organization. The thing that makes me sad, is a lot people, don’t have anything else.

I look at my life and I am pretty blessed. I have a huge group of friends all across the country, though I don’t get to spend as much time with them as I would like. I also have a great church home.

I don’t really have a point, it was more an observation. Ok I have to tell you this. I had a friend who said to me as we were walking into Starfest in 2004. “Melody, do you know what I used to do when I came to these things? I used to look for a man.” I said, “OH MAN, why in the world would you look for one here? ACK!” I ate some big crow that year. I just found it amusing.

Friday, July 22, 2005

are we asking too much of customer service?

Could it be any hotter? Yes, well I am sure it is warmer in the Middle East. However, for Colorado. 107!! That is CRAZY!!

So I have to tell of yesterday’s adventure. The plans were to have a nice quiet evening at home. Do a little house work, cook dinner & finish up Harry Potter. (that I DID get done).

So, I get home, my roommate & her sister are there, making some food for a party. I say, ‘It sure is hot in here.’ Well apparently the electricity was out. I ran back out to the car for something and noticed…hmmm, the hall lights are on, and the neighbor’s AC is running. Very Strange.

I go back up and check the circuit breakers and all is well there. So, I called Xcel Energy. I am on the phone and the costumer service & the CS rep says, ‘You, do not have electric service with us.’ Emily says, ‘I called them when I moved & asked them to switch the gas and the electric.’ WELL, come to find out, Xcel doesn’t service our area of Arapahoe County.

I am thinking, what? Emily had her services switched over, over a month ago. Come to find out that the wonderful people at Xcel never bothered to tell Emily they did not provide electrical service for her new address! How is that for customer service?

Well all is straighten out now; however, I just think it is plain poor customer service on Xcel’s part. One would ‘think’ that when Emily called & said, ‘I would like to switch my services over to ‘this’ address.’ That someone would have said, ‘That is fine, for your gas, however we do not service that area for electric.’ Am I wrong in this? Call me crazy, but is it asking too much of people to actually DO their jobs?

Ok, I had to share my frustration. Thank you for reading.

As for this weekend, I am ‘planning’ on taking it easy Saturday. I am ‘hoping’ to sleep in and get some things done around the condo. Perhaps, take some little ones swimming. Sunday, going to the local Renaissance Fair. Thank goodness the high will only be 88!

Have a great weekend & I’ll be back on Monday!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

stress reduction

My friend Sarah sent this to me. I found it quite useful.

Just in case you've had a rough day, here is a stress management technique recommended in all of the latest psychological texts.

1. Picture yourself near a stream.

2. Birds are softly chirping in the cool mountain air.

3. No one but you knows your secret place. Beautiful clouds.. blue sky.

4. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called "the world,"

5. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

6. Bubbles slowly float to the surface creating a gentle gurgling sound.

7. The water is crystal clear.

8. You can easily make out the face of the person you're holding underwater. --

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

do we really trust God?

I was thinking about yesterdays post and I started thinking about what is at the root of our insecurities. Well at least mine. It is funny. I know I am going to bring up that stupid Kelly Clarkston song, Miss Independent. As I think more on this, I think that the root of it is, we really don't trust God. Meaning, we think we know what is best for us. Which if you think about it, is a big JOKE.

Back to my independence thing..It is funny, over a year ago, I would have said I was pretty self-sufficient and didn’t really rely on too many people. Well, other than a couple of close friends. It is funny, as I think about my life over the past year or so. I look at the things that have changed and the things that remained the same.I can’t say I am exactly Miss Independent anymore. Which in a way is a good thing, but in some ways not so good. I think being a Christian, we are supposed to have community. I can tell you earlier this summer it as been a true test of that community. Several people who I “knew” at church have become dear friends. So, that has been a blessing. Having those people around you that truly care about you and can help you in your struggles, especially showing you the Gospel and giving you the love you need.

On the other hand, there are some aspects about feeling the need to have certain people around, which totally drive me crazy. Honestly, I have to say this; I liked it better when I was more self-sufficient. I guess when one finds themselves in a relationship you start to feel as if that person is just a part of your life. I think it is finding balance of your life before that person and your life now, or even your life without that person or other people.My church would say, we were created A. To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. B. For community & relationships. DOH! I think it is really about finding a balance. Not just in your relationship with ‘said’ person, but with your friends. Ack…actually, there are times I want to be hermit. There are several that can attest to this, sometimes it is just easier being alone. Well ok NOT totally alone, I do have Her Royal Majesty.

I warned you that my blog would be random! I am curious what you all think. If it is too personal to post, feel free to
email me.Ok I ‘think’ I am done for today.

OH, this is sort of fun. My friend Jonathan sent these to me yesterday. They are from the midnight showing of Revenge of the Sith yes we are tired, but happy.

I am horrible with names. The one in the pink is Jonathan's wife, Linda, she is so sweet!

Be sure you don't fall asleep at an RMFF event, you never know what will happen! (Jonathan & Stacy)

from the top, is grimby, daniel (sarah's brother), sarah, zoo, michael & amy.

me & stacy, someone looks a little on the tired side.

Ok, let's see if i can do this....left to right michael, daniel, mac, sarah, shawn, mel, cory, me, stacy, terry, mike, kim, linda & jonthan!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

sleep effects your emotions?

Main Entry: in·som·nia
Pronunciation: in-'säm-nE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from insomnis sleepless, from in- + somnus sleep -- more at SOMNOLENT
: prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep

So, guess what I have! It has been really bad over the past couple of weeks, averaging about 2 hours of sleep a night! I am not sure what exactly the cause is. Well, I have a good idea, but not for certain.

Well one thing about having insomnia is you have a lot of time to think. So, last night I was thinking. Yes, I know that can be a dangerous thing.

Have you ever stepped back and really looked yourself and how you were or are acting in a situation. I did this, this past weekend. To be honest, it was like watching another person. As soon as I noticed how I was acting, I quickly put a stop to it. However, it is interesting to me how our insecurities at times cause us to act, sometimes in ways that are not typical to whom we are.

For instance, in a friendship or relationship you have been having some trouble or strife, for lack of a better word, why is it we, or I should say I in this case, tend to ‘try’ to fix things, try and ‘be there’ or just have to be with that person to make sure everything is ok.

Ok, I realized I was doing this and I was like, hello, little miss needy here, not that, that was my intention, however, after I stepped back and looked at myself, I was like ‘oh my.’ So I took myself out of that situation, well actually I just changed my behavior. I just found the situation interesting. Then again, when you haven’t slept properly in about two weeks, we tend to, well AGAIN I should say I, tend to be a little more on the emotional side.

Me emotional? Say it isn’t so! It is true, well at least there is one good quality about that, you never have to guess about how I am feeling. he he he

So, there ya go. I am going to find some caffeine for this tired girl. Hopefully, that will help pep me up for my day.

Hope you all are well.

Monday, July 18, 2005

take a risk, it might be worth it.

Ok so it is the beginning of the work week! It is gorgeous out today!

Too bad it wasn’t like this on Saturday at the RMFF BBQ. It was oh say 102. No wonder I was so hot! Over all, it was a nice time. Pretty good crowd of people showed up. Thanks to Kim & Jeff for opening up their house.

Some of you have emailed me saying you weren't able to log on to make a comment. Well, for some strange reason the system is messed up. Try using the name you 'tried' to sign-up with & then the password you made for yourself. I did that for someone the other day and it actually ended up working. Sooo, there ya go.

Ok…today of thought of the today. Well, one is not so much a thought as something that happened. So, Friday night was the BIG Harry Potter book 6 release. So, a friend of mine, Sarah, my roommate, her sister & a friend of hers, went to the Barnes & Noble out in Lonetree. Well, it was fun and I was enjoying myself, however, if you know me, if I sit around late at nite I start to get tired and a little grumpy. He he

So I found Emily and was going to go home…well, when I found everyone they were watching a costume contest. So cute….little Hermonies & Harrys everywhere. Well, they had an over 18 category. SO, Emily, Hannah & Christopher start urging me to go up and participate. I had brought a cloak with me, just for fun. So I said fine, fine. As we are deciding who I should be, we came up with Professor McGonagall. Emily loans me her reading glasses. Just as I am walking away, she says, ‘No, you need to be Delores Umbridge.' WELL, if you know anything about Harry Potter, she is NOT very well liked AT all. (See book 5) So, I go up and I tell the guy who I am, and he announces it to the kids…they all started booing & hissing. So of course I had to play along with it, and play the part. It was fun to see the kids getting into it.

Well long of the short is, I won my category and then I ended winning a drawing for an autographed poster from the artist of the book covers. So how is that for doing something on a whim?

Friday, July 15, 2005

cats are like children?

Today sure has been a busy day. A couple of the people here at work were moving their offices. So I helped out there. My favorite part was unhooking the computer and putting them back together. he he

Yesterday I went out to the another shelf for my sick obsession. You know I have had Star Wars toys and what not my whole. It wasn’t until recently where I became obsessed about having things. Now where ‘ever’ did I get that from?

So everyone is giving their ‘thoughts’ on what I should be writing. Some say, oh do some one-liners. Some say be funny & sarcastic, others serious. Ya know, I think it will be just a play by ear type of thing.

So today I went and got sushi for lunch. The place is decent enough. IF you know of any good sushi places in Denver PLEASE email me. With sushi, there are two camps. Those who love it. (i.e. me & my friend Sarah) and those who do not. You know who you are. I have come to find out that ‘most’ people who do not like sushi have not actually ‘tried’ it. So, before you go and say oh that is gross. Well give it a try.

Nothing really too deep and insightful today…this is rather funny. Many of you have been asking how Trinity is adjusting. Considering she is doing great. Funny thing happened yesterday. I was walking by the spare room and she and Minnie were there and Trinity was sniffing at Min’s nose, being very nice. Trinity looks up and sees me and then proceeds to hiss at Minnie. I was totally cracking up. Ahh so I see you want to ‘pretend’ you don’t like Minnie. I thought, having a cat is someone like having a child. Of course, if you lock your cat in the closet you don’t go to jail.

Got me to thinking about being up in Greeley last weekend. Noel, a 5 year old, wanted to sit by me at lunch. We were having a picnic outside, it was nice and what not. So, Deborah had brought some watermelon and Noel had some. Well she then proceeded to want another piece. Of course, the ‘mom’ instinct kicked in. “Noel, you can have some more watermelon when you eat some of your sandwich.” He he. Of course her dad said thanks. It got me to thinking about some things. I think that I would be a good mom. Not something I ever really wanted to do or be, but I think I would do ok. Granted, we would have to do something about the SW toys though.

Ok, I think I have babbled enough today. I am sure I will have some fun stories on Monday about this weekend. Or maybe stories that shouldn’t be told period!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

deep and insightful??

So, I decided that the name of my ‘Blog’ wasn’t very interesting, so today I decided to change it. I think it is appropriate considering that is how my conversations usually are, pretty random.

So, you know it is interesting. I have been thinking, what type of things do I want to put in this ‘Blog’? What does the word ‘Blog’ mean anyway? It sort of reminds me of the BLOB.

So I thought I might put a mixture of things that happen or conversations or deep insight that I have.

It has been an interesting year to say the very least. Being a Christian, at times it is really hard to not say ok God, what are you doing? Oh wait, I DO do that! I think that we all go thru trials and it is the old saying what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I am waiting on the getting stronger part. LOL

Seriously, I have really learned that I can’t do it all on my own, as much as I would like to. Reminds me of that silly Kelly Clarkston song…ha ha.

I did have an interesting conversation with a friend about a few things, and something that they said really struck a chord. I think that this is good for all of us to think about.

They asked me “Why when something is so apparent to everyone else, can that person not see it?”

Well, I think it is like anything in our own lives. We can always look at someone else’s life and see what they are doing or what they should be or how something really is. However, when we are dealing with ourselves, it is much harder to see things in our own life. It is almost like seeing the speck in our brother's eye when there is a plank in our own. I also feel that we tend to be complacent with the way things are and cannot see anything different or can't imagine anything 'better' than that.

It is like that old pair of shoes we have, that are falling apart. You are so ‘used’ to them and they are comfortable, we do not want to throw them out. I think life is like that sometimes. When situations or places or even people sometimes. Now, I am not saying throw out people in your life, no, but just look beyond your comfortableness, or what you are used to. You might be really missing out on something.

Ok, that was my deep and insightful thought for the day. Please excuse my horrible spelling…it is true, it is not one of my strong suits.

Remember IF you don't post a comment, I don't know if you have been here!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Howdy do


I know in the past I have sent out group emails and what not. A friend of my roommate, Christopher, has his own personal page where people could go and catch-up etc. etc. I thought, THAT is what I need to do!

So that is what I am GOING to do.

This will be brief updates. I am thinking maybe once a week. MORE realistically it will be every other week. I will be posting about work, my new place, getting to know the area and of course the MOST important thing of all. Her Royal Highness, Trinity!

The thing I will NOT be posting about is my soap opera love life, because personally if you aren't privy to it already, then well then you don't need to know about it, do you? Well, ok now if I get engaged or something major like that, then yes I would probably say something. :) Heck, forget that, eloping is the only way to go. :) ha ha we go!

I guess the biggest thing lately as been the start of a new job. At a Wellshire Presbyterian Church.

It is in Denver & it is GREAT! I am the assistant to the youth & outreach. My latest and first big project as been the Wellshire Youth Website. I really love being here. (Is that a correct phrase?)

Another big thing was a recent move to just north of Parker, Colorado. It is more in Centennial, but our address is Englewood. If you need my new snail mail address & phone number, shoot me an email. :)

I have a great roommate, her name is Emily. I actually found her at a roommate website. How funny is that? She is a Christian and we a lot in common. No, she isn't a HUGE Star Wars fan, but that is ok. ;) She does like Harry Potter & of course the most important thing. Kitties!!!

Emily has a cat named. Minerva, yes named after Professor McGonagall. After she does turn into a cat.

Speaking of cats, Trinity is adjusting. It was hard for her to have to share a place with another kitty, however, she is actually letting Minnie come up to her and be in the same room. Now, I am not saying there is not a lot of hissing evolved, but so far no major cat fights.

Well, I think that this is good for my first posting. I'll see what type of response I get before I start posting more. :) Soooo, thanks for reading! Hope to hear back from you...use the comments, it will be fun!

OH BTW, I have seen Revenge of the Sith, eight times. I know I am a slacker!