Thursday, April 13, 2006

spring as sprung

Spring has got to be my favorite time of year. I am sitting here and looking out at the blooming tree that are just so symbolic of what spring is. New life.

It is a time of renewing.. It is time to remember those things in life that give us life.

To remember your new year’s resolution to loose weight and get your butt in gear.

Spring most of is a sense of Hope. Hope in things to come. Hope in promises. Hope in Christ’s blessings.

Yes I always go back to that. Darn it!! I guess being a Christian IS the most important thing in my life.

I actually think April and May are my favorite months of the year to be honest. So many good things have happened…well if you don’t count LAST year. Being laid off and such.

I just got an email from a friend who said to me..."You seem like a more mature person since you came back from Ireland. Did you have some sort of epiphany?" How encouraging. It is something that at times you seen in your own life, but you wonder if others see it. It is a new time!

For the most part spring is energizing…makes you want to get the cob webs cleared out and get things in order. Life, work, home, health (insert your own word here).

So yeah nothing hugely profound today…just some rambling thoughts.

Have a great weekend & Hoppy Easter!