holy cow a post!
I know it has been awhile. Golly I don’t even remember the last update. I am going to blame Facebook. Ha ha Soooo this will be one of those glossy overviews.
Ok so last we left our heroine…ha ha actually things here are going pretty well. As some of you know I am working at a great job and so far so good…it has been seven months. I started contract in October and was hired on permanently in December. Funny thing about this job…absolutely NO training…had to figure it out as I go. Which at times has been quite challenging. I have only had one minor snafu, but one in seven months is pretty good. In fact the Executive Vice President, which is two down from our CEO sent me a couple of IMs letting me know he was fine and not upset with me or whatever, which was contrary to what I was lead to believe. Considering we are a multi-million dollar company, that is pretty impressive.
Ok so last we left our heroine…ha ha actually things here are going pretty well. As some of you know I am working at a great job and so far so good…it has been seven months. I started contract in October and was hired on permanently in December. Funny thing about this job…absolutely NO training…had to figure it out as I go. Which at times has been quite challenging. I have only had one minor snafu, but one in seven months is pretty good. In fact the Executive Vice President, which is two down from our CEO sent me a couple of IMs letting me know he was fine and not upset with me or whatever, which was contrary to what I was lead to believe. Considering we are a multi-million dollar company, that is pretty impressive.
Following that vein…I am going back to school this fall to get my Master’s. I know crazy. However, First Data is paying for it and it is a great opportunity and I think it will be interesting to following along in Marketing and Communications, which is where I am working at here.
Let’s see on the health front, I am not sure what some of you know or what not. Last May I started getting tired all the time, I mean like falling asleep at my desk type of tired. So I eventually went to the doctor and they couldn’t find anything wrong. So what did they do, they threw some meds at it and said that should work…mind you they didn’t really get at the root of the issue. I have changed my diet and such, I was doing ok except recently I feel thing slowly creeping back as in the constant tiredness and such. I am considering going to a gastroendologist. We will see what the regular doctor says this time around. But other than that I am doing pretty well.
Let’s see on the health front, I am not sure what some of you know or what not. Last May I started getting tired all the time, I mean like falling asleep at my desk type of tired. So I eventually went to the doctor and they couldn’t find anything wrong. So what did they do, they threw some meds at it and said that should work…mind you they didn’t really get at the root of the issue. I have changed my diet and such, I was doing ok except recently I feel thing slowly creeping back as in the constant tiredness and such. I am considering going to a gastroendologist. We will see what the regular doctor says this time around. But other than that I am doing pretty well.
Enjoying life…just planning things with friends…trying to get a trip planned for vacation this summer, since it has been awhile. oh here is a picture of me with my new car...always wanted a DeLorean Time machine. 
Kitties are doing really well…Finnegan is now up to 15 pounds! I know it is crazy to think he is not even a year yet. Trinity has fared very well adjusting to her new companion. I think she actually likes him sometimes. Especially when she doesn’t think I am looking. Pictures of the not so little guy.

Kitties are doing really well…Finnegan is now up to 15 pounds! I know it is crazy to think he is not even a year yet. Trinity has fared very well adjusting to her new companion. I think she actually likes him sometimes. Especially when she doesn’t think I am looking. Pictures of the not so little guy.
Well..that is about it. I know it has been forever and I am sorry to be SUCH a slacker…thank you for your notes and post on Facebook. I am going to do my best to be a better blogger. Thanks for reading and hope you are all doing well!! Blessings!!!
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