Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It is Monday; all weekends should be three days.

So, I was trying to sleep last night and I was thinking about what I wanted to blog. I had it pretty much nailed down. Wouldn't you know it…I can't remember most of it this morning. Ha ha ha

Well, I can talk about some hard choices I had to make last week and really realizing what is important to me.
It is funny, a lot can happen in a short period of time...especially when you make specific and deliberate decisions. I said to someone, I am not the same person I was three months ago. Which considering I was wallowing in self-piety from March to May, that is a good thing. hehe

It is funny, for the first time in my life I actually have respect for myself…and doing things that are good and healthy for me. As in my diet and who I am hanging out with and not drinking and such.

It is funny; I was talking to a girlfriend Friday night. As much as I know that I deserve respect, to be treated well and to know that someone does respect you, it doesn't necessarily change your feelings towards someone. I think that this would be the area I am trying to figure out. How do you tell your heart to go another direction?

Other than that, I am doing well. Minus the fact I had some red meat yesterday for lunch, I still haven't eaten since then, I feel horrible. Learned my lesson the hard way, never again!

It is the beginning of a new week…I hope that all goes well for you and yours this week..and that you remember that happiness does not come from your circumstances. I am not saying that because everything in my life is great and grand. Heck no, there is one thing, that if I had the power to change I would, however, I can not, I can not make others do what I want them to or can I change this situation, so you have to realize you have done what you can and welll deal with it. This has been a HARD lesson for me to learn..ouch! Take care for now!

Friday, June 13th

Good morning and Happy Friday!
I have expanded my blog list. So hello to all of you! I usually try to post this at home, however, since I am at work....

I do hope that everyone is doing well today. I am actually doing well. Things have settled down and just am doing well. I have started at a place that I really like. They have given me some pretty hefty responsibilities. I like it…I stay busy. Everyone is very nice and not down in the mouth and complaining about their jobs. People actually want to be here. My boss, who is an engineer, has a great personality and actually greets me in the morning and asks how I am. Amazing isn't it?

It has been almost a week of doing my new way of eating…and I feel pretty good. I have lost close to 15 pounds and am in need of some new pants. I just feel better. I am also conducting an experiment and seeing just how my nutrition intake affects my health.

I am hoping to be able to go off Advair eventually. What a blessing that would be. I will say that life without caffiene has bee pretty good. I still struggle with the yawning in the mornings, however, I am curious if that is more related to my asthma, something to look into. I have also started to brew my own kombucha tea. I started my first batch last night, hopefully I will not kill the culture. You can google it if you are interested. It is very good and good for you.

This weekend starts the Renaissance Festival, I will probably be going on Sunday. Pirate time. On Saturday a friend of mine is playing at Elitch Gardens. He is in the band "Mercy Me", they had a couple songs on the radio last year. "I Can Only imagine" and oh what is that other song, that is the one I particularly like. "Here with Me". They played them all the time on the radio.

Anywho, that will be a fun day riding some roller coasters and such.
Otherwise, things are pretty calm…just plugging along and no drama to report... *sigh* (of relief) you do not know how nice that is to type. It is just relaxing to type that.
I AM thinking about getting another kitty. Trinity seems a little lonely at times…and I am gone a lot. We will see I am still weighing the pros and cons. Other than that, not much new. Things are really good.

Have a great weekend and thanks for your notes! I really do love hearing from everyone…I apologize if I do not write you back personally, it isn't personal.

I will post this later at my blog and if you have a blog, please send me your address, I love to catch up on things.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

and so it begins

Good evening...well it is evening as i am typing this. Tonite I ran to the store and got food for the week. as some of you know i have been eating healthier and such. I have lost 12 pounds thus far, which is a nice benefit of eating healthy. however, that was not the main reason for changing.

I did it because i just wanted to feel better period. i wanted to eat things that wouldn't make me feel bad and things that we are naturally supposed to have. So this week I am going to do a totally raw diet. That means nothing cooked for a week. I am actually looking forward to it. I have been doing really good and almost have stopped eating meat entirely.

It has seemed like a strange concept for me not having any meat, however I think that it has been a good change. AND with that exercising, of course with my foot there will be no running as of yet, however there are several things I can start doing and I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.

So wish me luck! I will try to keep up on my blog now that things are more on the positive side. Trinity says hello, well actually she says meow...hehe

Oh before I forget...my friend and I went to a 1940s dance this weekend, we dressed up and everything. It was a lot of fun a B-17 bomber and other airplanes. I was told we looked like we stepped out of 1942. I will get pictures up as soon as I can.

I hope you all are well! Blessings!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

change, change, change

I am amazed that how just one decision in your life can make such change. I decided about well, almost a month now to be a different person, to make more positive life choices. In, that to not focus on the negative and to just really look at those around me and to reevaluate what and who I want to be.

Granted life is not perfect and just because you decide that things are going to be different doesn’t mean that one is automatically different, however, I think with slow steps you can look at what is really important to you.

One of the biggest changes I have made is in my lifestyle. I have been switching over to organic foods, in that, no more diary, no red meats, no refined sugar or artificial sweeteners and nothing processed. Eventually, I would like to do more raw foods, as for now I still enjoy a whole wheat berry scone from time to time.

I think the hardest change as been the caffeine issue. I have completely given up caffeine and soda and all things of that nature. Honestly, it is like a huge personality change in me. I know that does sound rather silly. However, as most of you know I have been on well let’s just say it flighty and hyper side of things. Granted, I am still outgoing and such, however, I am, what is the word, more stable, less random I guess.

My favorite was a guy I was working with at the State after about a week, he comes into my office and says, so are you doing ok? You seem really quiet lately. I at the time did not think anything of it, responded yes, I am just working. So this went on for a bit and then I realized, it was the lack of the caffeine. Which I know might sound silly to some, however, for me it was a real addiction. So I am happy to say I am no longer dealing with that issue.

I have also stopped drinking for the most part. I think that if there is a special occasion, that would be different, but to just drink for drinking sake, it isn’t worth the extra calories or the money. Ha ha

One of the major things I have decided is that I am on a dating hiatus, I think that I need to focus on things in my own life that I need to change instead of being concerned about someone else. I can not say that has been an easy decision, however, it is one that I feel is necessary at this time.

So some good stuff in my life, I am actually doing really well. Thanks for reading and I hope you are all doing well.