Tuesday, July 19, 2005

sleep effects your emotions?

Main Entry: in·som·nia
Pronunciation: in-'säm-nE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from insomnis sleepless, from in- + somnus sleep -- more at SOMNOLENT
: prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep

So, guess what I have! It has been really bad over the past couple of weeks, averaging about 2 hours of sleep a night! I am not sure what exactly the cause is. Well, I have a good idea, but not for certain.

Well one thing about having insomnia is you have a lot of time to think. So, last night I was thinking. Yes, I know that can be a dangerous thing.

Have you ever stepped back and really looked yourself and how you were or are acting in a situation. I did this, this past weekend. To be honest, it was like watching another person. As soon as I noticed how I was acting, I quickly put a stop to it. However, it is interesting to me how our insecurities at times cause us to act, sometimes in ways that are not typical to whom we are.

For instance, in a friendship or relationship you have been having some trouble or strife, for lack of a better word, why is it we, or I should say I in this case, tend to ‘try’ to fix things, try and ‘be there’ or just have to be with that person to make sure everything is ok.

Ok, I realized I was doing this and I was like, hello, little miss needy here, not that, that was my intention, however, after I stepped back and looked at myself, I was like ‘oh my.’ So I took myself out of that situation, well actually I just changed my behavior. I just found the situation interesting. Then again, when you haven’t slept properly in about two weeks, we tend to, well AGAIN I should say I, tend to be a little more on the emotional side.

Me emotional? Say it isn’t so! It is true, well at least there is one good quality about that, you never have to guess about how I am feeling. he he he

So, there ya go. I am going to find some caffeine for this tired girl. Hopefully, that will help pep me up for my day.

Hope you all are well.