Friday, July 29, 2005

now i know what they mean

Ok, it is Friday. It has been a busy week here at Wellshire Presbyterian.

Right now I want to DIE. You ask why is that Melody? WELL, let me tell you. This was my first week of working out and yesterday was the lower-body portion of our program. I want to die. I can hardly walk, let alone try to do anything that requires any major movement.

I know that the first week is the hardest, etc. etc. So, I am sticking in there. As I said to a dear friend yesterday. “Once I decide to do something, I pretty much get it done.” Actually, in that instance I was talking about becoming decaffeinated. YES, also another thing I decided to do this week.

Just I have been thinking a lot about my life and over the past few months, I will be honest, it has been rough. Many different factors that I shant discuss, however, this getting myself to a place where I want to be physically, is really giving me something to concentrate on. Which is a good thing.

Now I know what they mean...'No pain, no gain."

So, there you go. I had some decaf coffee this morning, hoping that psychologically that I would think it was regular coffee and wake up a bit more. he he he

Have a great weekend kids!