Tuesday, March 04, 2008

a real update

Hey friends and family and you other people…yeah you know who you are. he he
I am going to take ten minutes and blog…holy cow! It has been a crazy year thus far!

Let’s see…it is already March! Wow, I am a blog slacker. I just realized I have been blogging for 2 and a half years. wow! I told someone the other day, if you really want to get to know me...go read my blog. ok...sooo....

The most recent event in my life is I have moved. I am now living in downtown Denver, known to us Denverites at Capital Hill. It is the ‘cool’ and ‘trendy’ area…trying to think…sort of like living just north of Belmont area in Nashville. Where all the cool kids are. Actually it is really nice. I am about 10 blocks from work and it took me about 7 minutes to get to work this morning…practically a straight shot. Trinity is very happy about things…she has the place to herself and it is about 900 square feet. Just a real great find. I still need a few things, but for the most part I am getting settled and I am happy in my new place.

Let’s see…a couple of you have been asking...and I don’t usually get into relationship stuff on here...well on a personal level. i.e. naming names…However, I decided late December, early January that I needed some time to myself…not to be wrapped up in anything, but to focus on being a healthier person. Well….that is a task in and of itself and to be honest, I stink at it. I will say this though…don’t ever say ever or say you are going to do this or that, because when you do, a monkey wrench will be thrown into your plans and you have to deal with that. All I am going to say is…when you meet someone who pretty much thinks and processes like you and you get along in every sense of the fashion…yeah I would rather not deal with the situation…so there ya go. So don’t make plans about things…sometimes you don’t have a choice. *grumble* i am not going to say anything else, so don't ask. :p

However, I am still trying to put my heart and my mind on to what I need to do for me. and in that...due to my move…I am very close to the office and we have a work out facility here, so starting next week I am going to hit the gym in the mornings...well at least three times a week starting out. I am planning on running the 5K for the breast cancer walk in October.

I am still at Denver Water…and hopefully will past my probation period, which is up on May 1st. I am at four months and I still love it. It is quite different than working at Christ Community or Wellshire Pres, however, there is tremendous opportunity and I learn something new everyday. In fact, some of you emailed me about the Conduit that flooded one of our highways. It was actually really interesting, I went out on the scene and was able to take pictures and see what things are done behind the scenes.

Soo, I have been a busy little camper thanks for all your emails and such…I have been lacking in responding…I usually get them on my phone and think, oh I will email them later. I hope all is well in (insert your town here) ha ha I used to say Ohio, Tennessee and Colorado, but too many of you have moved.

Please drop me a line when you can! Love and miss you all!