Monday, July 25, 2005

are your hobbies your life?

Hoe you all had a great weekend.

Yesterday I went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival. No, I didn’t dress up this year. Last year was enough dressing up for two years. (see picture)

It was actually a very pleasant day. Upper 80s/low 90s, it warm, but not this unbearable 102-105 we have been having.

So, when I go to events like this or go to conventions or what not. I am always amazed at the types of people that go to these events. Now, mind you, this isn’t a slam on anyone’s lifestyle or their hobbies. I mean after all, I enjoy going to these things as well.

The thing I am amazed at is how it is all some people have, that or they have totally evolved their life around that or the organization.

I ‘can’ relate to a degree. This past spring, with my vacation planned around a Star Wars event, then coming home and that next weekend going to a convention. Then, having the Star Wars charity premiere and then having another convention and then having the midnight premiere of the movie itself. *WHEW*

So, from April 20, 2005 to now it has been well a whirlwind in the Star Wars world for me. Thank goodness on August 1, I will no longer be the co-cr. he he

The point of all that is, I do understand how some people can be ‘deeply’ involved in a group or organization. The thing that makes me sad, is a lot people, don’t have anything else.

I look at my life and I am pretty blessed. I have a huge group of friends all across the country, though I don’t get to spend as much time with them as I would like. I also have a great church home.

I don’t really have a point, it was more an observation. Ok I have to tell you this. I had a friend who said to me as we were walking into Starfest in 2004. “Melody, do you know what I used to do when I came to these things? I used to look for a man.” I said, “OH MAN, why in the world would you look for one here? ACK!” I ate some big crow that year. I just found it amusing.