Tuesday, July 26, 2005

change is good??

Well today is Tuesday! Only four more days til Friday. Ha ha

Last week I was doing some serious rethinking of life, etc. etc. Well, I have done some serious rethinking for my life as far as my physical state. I decided it was time for a change.

Some of you know this, but last Monday, my roommate and I went on the South Beach diet. So far it has been great.

With menu items such as salmon, lean steak & chicken. We have been quite creative. Actually, I should say my roommate is the creative one. Though yesterday I got my chance at dinner. We had broiled flank steak which I marinated over night in the Food Saver. If you don’t know what that is, it is the greatest invention to the food word. It sucks all the air out of everything.

So my steak was pretty good, IF I do say so myself. he he.

On top of that I started a work out routine last night. I have the most horrible trainer too, he is a bear. ha ha ok not really, actually my trainer really knows his stuff. I guess my main problem is I forget to breathe. ha ha Last night I said, they are going to find me passed out in here from the lack of oxygen. he he

So today I am slightly sore, but that is a good thing. Tonight is the cardio day of my routine. OH boy!

Actually, working out isn’t what I would call my favorite thing to do, but it is something I NEED to do. So I am going to do it. I just need to start doing it in the morning, once I figure out how long it is going to take.

Well…so there you go. So, change is good. This change is for the better and not only to look better, but to be healthier and to feel better. Because we all know I already look gooood.

I’ll keep y’all updated.