Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I am a slacker. How so you ask? Let me tell you, I haven’t been exercising. I know I hate it. I have been so concerned with ‘wearing myself out’ I am trying to ‘take it easy’ and not get sick before Ireland, which is a WEEK from today!!

So..I am a slacker. I have gained about 5 lbs in the last couple of months!! [vader]NOOOOOOOOO![/vader] so when I get back from Ireland and over jet lag of course. I am getting back on the stick. I actually MISS running! I know it is shocking.

I am thinking that I should set my sights on the Greeley Stampede. It is in July. So that would give me plenty of time. Just found out my mother and grandma are coming over Memorial day weekend, so the Cherry Creek Sneak is out..unless I find something the weekend after that. We will see.

All of that to say, I am not going to be a slacker anymore. I have another 30 lbs to go and I know I can do it!! But this time around I will be doing it much healthier than the first time. (see inserted picture) but maybe not so tan...

Point is...please bug me and ask me, "Melody, how is the exercise going?" or say "MAN you need to get back into the gym girl!" ha ha

I will try and post next week and let you know how my trip is going and such. Hope you are all well.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Yesterday I was thinking about an email a friend sent to me back in November. They said, “I caught up on your blog today. Some very insightful stuff. I'm very glad to see God so plainly at work in your life.”

So plainly in my life..interesting, but honestly I found it encouraging.

Yesterday evening we had a missions meeting. As some of you know we are taking a trip down to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi (if you are curious where that is click here) to work on Katrina relief efforts. So we had our informational meeting last night. I know this sounds cheesy, but Betsey introduced me to the group...there were quite a few people, the chapel was full. Several of the people starting clapping and hooting cheers. I sat there and thought, wow, Lord, what a work you have done in my life.

I can truly say I have never felt so respected at my job in my life time. Not only am I well liked, my opinion is respected, my work is valued and over all I am treated for the first time the way I have wanted to be treated. I was thinking about it on the way home last night. How much of a difference it has made on how I feel about myself and most of all how much God has blessed me. Quite a far cry from the insecure girl that started here nine months ago.

Anywho..very excited about the trip. I didn’t know I was going to have to actually speak in front of the group. Maybe I would have dressed a little more appropriately. Ha ha

So…I was also thinking (I do that a lot) about a conversation I had with my therapist about where I felt God calling me to do, etc. etc. I said, I can ignore it and do what I want..and she said and be miserable. I said exactly. Funny thing...whenever I have decided to do this or that, it turns out horribly. However, when I say ‘Ok, God I don’t quite understand this, however I am trusting You.’ He really shows Himself to me.

I look at my life now, the blessings that He has given me…for so long I felt like Job. I know silly, but honestly 9 months ago as you know I felt as if I was at the bottom of an endless pit. Well, maybe not ‘that’ dramatic, but you get the picture.

The funny thing is. I honestly just gave up trying to ‘do’ things myself. Trying to manipulate situations, trying to make things work the way I wanted them to. It makes me think of the phrase Shane uses. Laying hold of Christ daily. The Gospel is like fresh fish, you need to have it daily. (that last part cracks me up) the thing is most people, including myself struggled with, How do I do that??? I am not saying I have it all figured out, not by far. I can say that I know that I have a peace and an understanding that comes from seeking that ‘fresh fish’. he he

I also find this ironic. I am sure many of you have experienced a disagreement with a friend. (we have never had that have we Jen?) he he Me and a good friend of mine have had a disagreement about what we feel God is calling us to do. Granted it is frustrating and upsetting at times, especially when it is someone dear to you. However, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has given me the strength and His resolve in the matter. Best of all, I know that God is working & His will be done.

I am so encouraged by what is going on in my life. I can honestly say I feel like a different person. One who is much more confident and has the strength to follow God’s will. Yeah so this is a really good thing.

Here is today’s verse..”I seek You will all of my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands” Psalm 119:10 NIV

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

peaceful easy feeling

I am day behind. Yesterday was a little on the crazy side, so my apologies.

Let’s see, here are some pictures of the new little kitty. Oh aren’t we cute.

I think I had this topic picked out last Sunday. I am always amazed on the people that God puts in your life. Just recently I have met at new friend and she and I have been talking and she asked me to go read her blog. So, being a good blogger myself I did, and was amazed, it was almost exactly like something I had written back in September.

What I find interesting is that God see & knows everything well of course He does. It is just amazing when He fills you in on things. Which of course is never enough, we want to know everything don’t we?

I can say I am at such a peaceful place in my life. I know I am where God has called me to be. Granted there are few changes that ‘I’ would like to make, but I have finally accepted God’s will and for the first time I am not going through this great inner turmoil.

How amazing is that? I also think it is amazing the new friends that God has given me, and the strange circumstances on which I have met them…but that is a whole other story.

So, all of that to say, we just need to let go and let God be in control . I ‘know’ that is a lot easier said than done, trust me I am the Queen of wanting control. Dang it!!

Sorry to be so short and random today, got a lot going on. Blessings!

BTW, only 19 days till I leave for IRELAND!