Monday, July 18, 2005

take a risk, it might be worth it.

Ok so it is the beginning of the work week! It is gorgeous out today!

Too bad it wasn’t like this on Saturday at the RMFF BBQ. It was oh say 102. No wonder I was so hot! Over all, it was a nice time. Pretty good crowd of people showed up. Thanks to Kim & Jeff for opening up their house.

Some of you have emailed me saying you weren't able to log on to make a comment. Well, for some strange reason the system is messed up. Try using the name you 'tried' to sign-up with & then the password you made for yourself. I did that for someone the other day and it actually ended up working. Sooo, there ya go.

Ok…today of thought of the today. Well, one is not so much a thought as something that happened. So, Friday night was the BIG Harry Potter book 6 release. So, a friend of mine, Sarah, my roommate, her sister & a friend of hers, went to the Barnes & Noble out in Lonetree. Well, it was fun and I was enjoying myself, however, if you know me, if I sit around late at nite I start to get tired and a little grumpy. He he

So I found Emily and was going to go home…well, when I found everyone they were watching a costume contest. So cute….little Hermonies & Harrys everywhere. Well, they had an over 18 category. SO, Emily, Hannah & Christopher start urging me to go up and participate. I had brought a cloak with me, just for fun. So I said fine, fine. As we are deciding who I should be, we came up with Professor McGonagall. Emily loans me her reading glasses. Just as I am walking away, she says, ‘No, you need to be Delores Umbridge.' WELL, if you know anything about Harry Potter, she is NOT very well liked AT all. (See book 5) So, I go up and I tell the guy who I am, and he announces it to the kids…they all started booing & hissing. So of course I had to play along with it, and play the part. It was fun to see the kids getting into it.

Well long of the short is, I won my category and then I ended winning a drawing for an autographed poster from the artist of the book covers. So how is that for doing something on a whim?