love languages
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Receiving Gifts
3. Quality Time
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch
I think they are pretty self-explanatory, however, I’ll breeze through them.
Words-You feel love in receiving praise and affirmation.
Gifts-You feel love by the receiving of gifts.
Time-You feel loved when someone spends time with you.
Service-You feel loved when someone does something for you, whether it be big or small.
Touch-You feel loved when you are touched, i.e. hugged, etc.
A lot of us have one or two of these that stand out and of course we usually feel love in all of these ways. For myself, I can tell you that the top two for me are Time & Touch, then the other follow, not that I am not excited or feel blessed by the others, it is just that for me, if you want to spend time with me and you make that a priority, that is going to speak so much louder than anything.
Not only is this how I like to be loved this is how I love others. I think sometimes we need to learn our friends love languages. I have a friend whose love languages are gifts and service. I know this and for them to give me a gift or do to something for me is how they show their affection. I know this and are appreciative and know that this is their expression. At the same time, for me, time is what is most important. To me, spending time with me means more than anything. It shows that you know that it is important to me and so you make an effort to spend that time with me, even if it not necessarily convenient.
Look at yourself and think, what are those things that are important to you. I think that is it important to let others know and that way not only can they love you better, but you can love them better. I think it is a compromise, we need to learn to express in their love language and the same time they should do the same.
Any thoughts?
If you want more information or would like to look up Gary Chapman’s book, here is his site:
P.S. for pictures of the new kitty, go to my photos link on the right and click on New Kitty.