Thursday, January 11, 2007

hey everybody...

I thought about being spiritual and what not on my blog, but I decided, too much going on for that right now. So I am going to be pety and shallow and as in the words of Anchorman say, “HEY everybody, come look how good I look!”

Actually it is funny, well we age everyday. I think about getting older and yes being a girl at times I hear the ticking of the clock. Especially since everyone around me it seems is having a baby or has had one. My friends Zac & Karena had a baby boy who was born at 26 weeks, so please keep him in your prayers.

My dearest friend Deborah and her husband, well he’s my friend too, are having a baby girl next month. So, here I am, the only one in my family that is not married. Which I am ok with, golly! To think about this one guy I could have married when I was 21! *whew*

I think though, I am happy, I have no disillusions with the whole, ooh if I was married I would be happier. Heck no, in fact, I think it is a lot of work. In fact, I have a friendship that I am realizing that well, I am a selfish being, but ya know there is a point where we have to say, hey I am doing all of this for you and such and when it isn’t necessarily seen the same or where it seems they are only taking, you have to look at it and think.
So anywho, the whole point of all this was, I haven’t talked to a couple of people from my past in a long time. A guy I used to work with and a good friend from college. I was talking to them over IM and they saw my cute picture and both of them commented. You haven’t aged at all. So I am happy with that.

So, I thought I would be TOTALLY vain and post some pictures of me through the years. Ha ha how funny is that? I was cracking myself up…but see now you can see my new haircut if you haven’t already. HA HA HA
Ok so the order goes...trinity & me in 2001, Christmas 2001, bday 2004, and my new hair cut now. :) yeah i know i am really being lazy this week, i promise i will tackle the more spiritual stuff next week. :) Ok thanks for reading, back to work.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

new years-where are you heading?

I have been debating on what to blog on. It is the start of a New Year and such. Do I want to reflect on last year at all the little things or do I want to look towards the future and the hope that it holds?

I think a little of both would do just fine. 2006 was a year of change, for the most part it was for the better. I did get to visit my dear friends early on in Ireland.

The end of the summer brought huge changes and met some really great people who have become dear friends. I am now involved in a church here in Denver & a weekly Bible Study, something that had been missing for awhile.

So with those changes I look at 2007, I look at the potential future and have faith in what or wherever God takes me that He will have me in His hands that we need to learn to leave things with Him and not pick them back up when it is too hard to trust. How exciting is it to know that God has my future in His hands? Pretty darn cool if you ask me.

So with that being said, as you make your resolutions and think about what you want to do this year. Be mindful of what God is calling you to. Ask for guidance and prayer. Prayer really does change things.

Blessings to all of you as we begin this new year.