Monday, August 01, 2005

R.I.F. Reading is Fundamental

Good Monday Morning Happy Campers!

So, this morning I stopped at Caribou Coffee. They came by here and gave us like a 100 free coffee coupons. he he No one else wanted them, so I have been enjoying a iced Americano from time to time. Decaf of course.

As I was walking out and I noticed a boy, he couldn’t have been more than 6 years-old, with a very large book. I thought, he must be reading a Harry Potter book. I asked him & it was book 4, ‘The Goblet of Fire’. (and the movie comes out in November.) Yippee!

It just struck me as interesting. How, these books have just really struck a chord across the world, not just with kids, but with adults as well. There was 6 year-old was reading such a large book. Not to mention, most boys his age don’t find reading as one of their top things to do.

So whatever you think about Harry Potter, think about the fact that there are books out there that are getting kids to read, which I think is more valuable than watching any TV show or movie out there.

That is all for today. *cheers*