to blog or not to blog
Well I had a friend ask..why haven’t you blogged in awhile. Welllll, getting ready for the mission trip, going on the mission trip, recovering from the mission trip. Yeah that pretty much sums it up.
It is funny, I was laying in bed last nite thinking about all the stuff I wanted to blog about. Of course I want to blog about the trip itself, however that will be a 2 or 3 part blog. I really want to dedicate some time to that and really share what God has done in my life.
Then I thought, well I could blog on my co-dependent cat. She constantly threw-up while I was gone. Poor thing.
Then there was this revelation I had on Saturday about why I had some insecurities in my last relationship. It was pretty profound.
Then I thought, there is always what God has been doing in my life over the past two months. It has been pretty amazing.
Then there was the subject I had been thinking about on how people (myself included) turn to other things or cut things out of their life’s or they try to ‘fix’ things. When all they really need to do is give God control.
So I then thought…wow…this is partly why I haven’t blogged in awhile. I have too many things to blog about. I just wish I had more time in the day for fun stuff…as in blogging.
Well I will say this. God is pretty amazing. You might not understand. Where He is leading you or what path you might be on until after the fact.
I can say this. I have been really blessed. Not just from the trip itself, but just really realizing that God is in control and that He loves me more than I can even imagine. But realllly laying hold of that. I think that God puts people and situations in your life for a reason. Recently, I can say this with the youth at Wellshire. I have grown to love these kids and they are now a vital part of my life and ministry. (darn you kids!!) he he
Sooo yeah, not really anything in particular then me rambling. I will pick out a few pictures from the trip and post them with this blog. I am HOPING to get things put together over the next week or so for the trip and blog about that. It was absolutely amazing.
PICTURES: First one, Mission Trip Reunion. Wednesday, June 21. (right to left) Kelly, David, Sarah, me, brain, brendan.
Second: They still need so much help there.
Third: The chaos that I was in charge of.
Fourth: Some of my kids, David & Sarah and me of course.
Fifth: Kids working....yes it was freakin' hot, not to mention HUMID! (front to back, Abby, Graham, Phillip & Natalie)
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