Thursday, November 16, 2006

i'm paying you aren't i?

Question. If you are paying for a service…shouldn’t you get what you paid for and if it isn’t what you want, have it fixed? I am not talking unreasonable things here, I mean like say a website for example.

How hard is it to have something centered? Well apparently it is too hard for some people. I have been arguing with our web designer most of the afternoon over just wanting something centered. It wouldn’t be ‘that’ big of a deal, but this person questions EVERY LITTLE SINGLE THING I DO.

Last I thought WE were paying HIM to help design the site. If I want it to have dancing clowns on it, then damn do it. (no I don’t want dancing clowns, but you get the point)

I am just tired of people NOT doing what they are paid for or more so questioning everything I want to do on the site. If it was once or even twice, ok, but every damn time.
That is my rant for the day…I feel better.